Monday, 27 December 2010

Rainbow Cake - a cake made from RAINBOWS

Ok, I lied. It's just food colouring :S So first I just made a normal cake mix and added a teeny weeny dot of the awesome gel colours you can see on the right of this pic...

CHECK OUT HOW VIVID THE COLOURS ARE!! Gah it was so exciting (and dyed my fingers :S)

So then I dribbled them randomly into cake tins....

Then this is what they looked like cooked:

Was a little overcooked cos I blasted it a tad too much so I cut the crusts off, this is a cross section. I put lashings of plum jam in the middle to add some PZAZZ!

Here it is iced with vanilla buttercream and blue edible glitter. I can officially declare Omnomnomnom
The colours above are vivid but kinda "blocky" but look at a slice individually - it's so pretty! Felt weird eating such a massively coloured cake and everyone thought they were packed with e numbers, but I literally used the tiniest amount of colouring possible.

And just cos we had two giant boxes of rice krispies in the cupboard which were going off in a month or so, here's a pic of the giant cakes hubster and I made the other day :)


  1. OOOH!! What food colourings did you use? It'd take a bottle of the stuff I've got to make such beautiful colours!


